
Conformité Européene
The CE mark indicates that a product meets the essential requirements of safety, health and life of people, protection of property, protection of the environment and protecting the public interest, laid down in EU directives. By putting this mark on the product the manufacturer guarantees that it passed all required procedures for proofing the conformity of quality according to technical standards and legislation in force.

Certification of laboratory tests
All hardwood oak floors are certified with a quality certificate guaranteeing that they are produced in Pana Croatia and comply with all requirements of the standard in accordance with EN 14342: 2008 standard. All windows are initially tested in certified laboratories for testing properties of windows IFT Rosenheim and Euroinspekt-Drvokontrola according to EN 14351-1: 2010, and with a factory control attesting confirm the compliance of the technical documentation and prescribed technological process.

Recognising our responsibility for protecting nature and the environment, we use wood coming from controlled sources for the final product and are proud to use the PEFC logo on our products.
The Forest Certification Endorsement Program PEFCTM is an international non-profit and non-governmental organization promoting sustainable forest management. Since all organizations (companies) in the supply chain must be certified, it is ensured that all forest products (wood, wood products, paper and paper products) that are integral parts of the final product are derived from certified forests. This guarantees compliance with the defined environmental requirements, social and ethical standards.

The license of the Ministry of Culture to perform carpentry work on immovable cultural property
Focusing on natural materials and possessing adequate technical and professional capacity, Pana Stolarija d.o.o. was able to meet the different requirements of the Office for the Protection of Cultural Monuments which resulted in getting a license from the Ministry of Culture to perform carpentry work on the immovable cultural heritage.

Energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction
Our wooden and wood-aluminum windows represent advanced solutions for increasing energy efficiency in buildings. By using natural and environmentally friendly materials in production, we undoubtedly contribute to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and contribute to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Completed biological cycle
In our daily work we respect the principles of sustainable development. The materials used in production are 100% environmentally friendly, the wood comes from controlled sources of forest management, certified with the FSC certificate. All wood waste that remains after the manufacturing process is used to produce thermal energy for heating the production plants and for the technological processes.